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Pokemon Unite balance issues i see playing as mewtwo

i only recently came back to unite for 3rd anni. Played a bit of mewtwo x era and wished for a y variant. I am appalled at this floating piece of hot garbage gameplay yo. I couldve come up with a way cooler set for him. Instead they are identical in every way except the attack stat they use and the mega look. I felt as if X WAS VERY WEAK. When put beside other pokemon of melee attackers as he isnt supposed to be up front. So with barrier its very sad on an attacker. Teleport is useful for sure but it being a longer CD makes it terrible. HE SHOULD BE BLINKING AROUND POKEMON OR STUNNING THEM WITH SOME KIND OF BETTER ATTACK THAN CONFUSION. Pinpoint DMG is terrible when you are supposed to be fighting. And only one damage move? When other attackers come standard with 2? I think this “patch” was the nail in the coffin on whay couldve been a fun mindtrick kind of pokemon. He should been a tank and recover shouldve been more than it was. As it stands even with me trying hard in battles ranked or casual he is outpreformed by all others. I hold a special place in my heart for mewtwo y but if feel this is very dirty treatment of an otherwise interesting pokemon failed in design once again by hacks of unoriginal thinking. Welcome to the new world. Where everyone is unimaginative hacks if this is how they pictured mewtwo should be. I am sad. Shame on them for this shameless pandering to people when what matters is the fun. Making him high atk stat and nothing else is lame when the patch took the only thing he had going for him lol. For shame.


A disgruntled mewtwo fan
