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best pokemon generation



  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,660 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Generation 5, easily. It was the peak of Pokémon's 2D sprite artwork and was packed with features. 3D was a mistake.

    The story, for a Pokémon game, was much more intriguing, actually suggesting moral ambiguity in the antagonists' actions and questioning the ethics of the game's core mechanics in which the player perpetually engages...

    Until it drops the premise, reveals that the evil team (or at least their leaders) was evil all along and only sought world domination and you are kind and friendly with your Pokémon all the time and there is nothing wrong with forcing creatures to fight and cramming them into balls only to dump them in your storage boxes, actually…

    But baby steps. I will take that over "let's flood the land we live on" and "let's destroy the universe so I become a god". A children's game was never going to call its audience evil and stick to it.

    And BW2 did follow it up in interesting ways with similar themes, contrasting Colress and his "power at any cost" philosophy with N's honest desire to free Pokémon and spare them from the trainers he once thought exploited them for power.

    No great work of literature or philosophy, but more intrigue than we saw from the earlier installments of the franchise.

    If you haven't played gen 5, play gen 5.

    If it does get a remake, I hope it is not another BDSP.

  • 8625
    8625 Member Posts: 1
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    Why doesn't anyone like gen 4, it's best for me (of course not the remakes)

  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,660 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Gen 4 was alright. D&P were a shaky start, but improved a lot with Platinum. Still far from the best in my opinion, but fun enough. HGSS were fantastic.

    The DS era was the peak of the Pokémon series, but unfortunately it was also a time when it performed very poorly in terms of sales, relatively speaking. Kids who started with gens 1-3 had aged out, being far too cool and mature for that silly old kiddy fad called Pokémon. Then they aged back in around gen 5 or 6 and became one of the biggest demographics for Pokémon.

  • Eremas
    Eremas Member Posts: 1,475 ✭✭✭✭
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  • Nikoshawott
    Nikoshawott Member Posts: 15
    10 Comments Photogenic

    Gen 2