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Your 6 most special Pokémon for you in each Pokémon generation/region

YagoFuecoco Member Posts: 408 ✭✭✭
100 Comments 5 Answers 25 Likes 25 Agrees

I decided to talk once again about the 6 most special Pokémon, but this time in each region, and all the Pokémon of the generations apply, mine are:

Gen 1/Kanto: Bulbasaur, Vulpix, Eevee, Sandshrew, Lapras and Dragonite

Gen 2/Johto: Totodile, Mareep, Hoothoot, Teddiursa, Phanpy and Swinub

Gen 3/Hoenn: Torchic, Skitty, Wingull, Poochyena, Altaria and Spheal

Gen 4/Sinnoh: Turtwig, Starly, Buizel, Gible, Snover and Stunky

Gen 5/Unova: Oshawott, Lilipup, Munna, Blitzle, Zorua and Cubchoo

Gen 6/Kalos: Fennekin, Pancham, Skidoo, Espurr, Goomy and Xerneas

Gen 7/ Alola: Rowlet, Litten, Rockruff, Wimpod, Silvally and Poipole

Gen 8/ Galar and Hisui: Sobble, Yamper, Rookidee, Snom, Dreepy and Calyrex

Gen 9/ Paldea and Kitakami: Fuecoco, Pawmi, Greavard, Ogerpon and Slither Wing

These are the most special Pokémon to me from each generation and region.


  • clasingla
    clasingla Member Posts: 3,553 ✭✭✭✭✭
    2500 Comments 500 Agrees 250 Likes 50 Answers

    Gen 1 eevee gengar mew vulpix growlithe horsea

    Gen 2 jumpluff ampharos togepi chikorita umbreon espeon

    Geb 3 lunatone mudkip Plusle Minun tropius sableye

    Geb 4 piplup spiritomb riolu shaymin darkrai lickilicky

    Gen 5 beheeyem oshawott zorua victini genesect meloetta

    Gen 6 espurr sylveon chespin goodra braixen swirlix

    Gen 7 ribombee popplio brionne dhelmise celesteela tapu lele

    Gen 8 alcremie eiscue milcery zamazenta appletun applin

    Gen 9 SPRIGATITO miraidon ceruledge meowscarada iron valiant hydrapple