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Fairy type energy

Aggressiv0 Member Posts: 4
First Comment Photogenic Name Dropper

I know that actually it doesnt make any sense but i am just curious can u use fairy type energy in standard format?


  • NoahLaprasForum
    NoahLaprasForum Member Posts: 922 ✭✭✭
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    no. Because you have no fairy type pokemon in standard format, so why would you use fairy energy?

  • Aggressiv0
    Aggressiv0 Member Posts: 4
    First Comment Photogenic Name Dropper

    In forbbiden light from sun and moon expansion there was alolan exeguttor that attack says that he deal more dmg for each diffirent energy type in discard pile so i wondered if attack will comeback someday then can i use that energy

  • NoahLaprasForum
    NoahLaprasForum Member Posts: 922 ✭✭✭
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    Yes, if there is a standard format pokemon that wants a fairy type energy, you can use that.

  • clasingla
    clasingla Member Posts: 2,719 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    stop spamming @SHELTINATOR2000

  • Ravenclawed1234
    Ravenclawed1234 Member Posts: 693 ✭✭✭✭
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    Fairy energy rotated back in 2021, right after Evolving Skies came out.

  • Octowen
    Octowen Member Posts: 587 ✭✭✭✭
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    I think it actually technically rotated, so you can’t even play it in a full colorless deck.