Which Pokémon do you consider your absolute favorites?

What are your top favorite Pokémon? Mine would either be Mew, Cinderace, Togetic, or Butterfree. Each of them has their unique charm and abilities that make them special to me. Mew, with its mythical aura and psychic powers, is simply enchanting. Cinderace's agility and fiery spirit always make battles exciting. Togetic's graceful demeanor and soothing presence bring a sense of peace. Butterfree's beauty and loyal nature have always captured my heart. I'd love to hear your feedback and learn about your favorite Pokémon too! Share your top picks and what makes them stand out for you.
Mimikyu, because its mysterious backstory and not knowing how its real form looks... because it's said all who witness it's true form are killed from the shock of see it.
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I don't think I have an absolute favorite pokemon.
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Absolutely Absol
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DELPHOX. I will continue trying to convince more people to love it because it's so underrated and overhated.
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Dewott is my fave, followed by the likes of Cryogonal, Furfrou, Lampent, Orbeetle, Iron Moth, among others…
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I have a list of my favorites - Nidoking, Porygon-z, Skeledirge, Tapu Bulu, Chesnaught, Hoopa Unbound, Kommo-o, Emboar, Ting-lu, Zygarde Complete, Cursola, Shedinja, Cradily, Torterra, Melmetal, Victreebel, Lanturn, Iron Bundle, Runerigus, Beeheeyem, Tyrantrum, Klinklang, Necrozma, Golurk, Drifblim, Glastrier, Electivire, Garganacl, Hydrapple, Armaldo, Crawdaunt, Yveltal, Archeops, Kyogre, and Thundurus