If we did have a new legends game, what three starters would you like to see?

I was wondering which three starters people will choose.
Turtwig, Chespin, and Emboar
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This is the part that I like most about thinking about the next Pokémon Legends games, it was one of the things I liked most about Legends, which is mixing up the starters, I imagine it like this for each of the next ones Pokémon Legends:
Pokémon Legends Johto: Squirtle, Fennekin and Grookey or Squirtle, Treecko and Tepig
Pokémon Legends Unova: Totodile, Fennekin and Grookey or Bulbasaur, Piplup and Torchic (Mainly to reference the Black and White Dark Explorers Pokémon TCG)
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Without picking where the location is I decided on:
Meganium as Grass/Rock, Delphox as Fire/Fairy and Blastoise as Water/Steel.
Meganium needs some love, just flat out and should get a Grass/Rock or even a Grass/Steel variant to bring it up a bit.
Delphox and Blastoise here would just become what many people thing these two should be in the first place.
I also gave thought to other Pokemon getting the Rock or Electric type in Skeledirge and Quaquaval and going for Rock and Roll themes for Unova. Swampert losing Ground for Ghost. Also Skeledirge or Primarina being Fire/Water which stretches a bit, but could be made to work depending on the region.
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@Michael629303 You picked two grass types and left out a water type. Also, my picks would be Sprigatito, Litten, and Totodile.
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@OlderAngel11 can't believe I messed that up. I mean Turwig, Emboar, and Piplup
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I think that scorebunny and bulbasuar and mudkip would be good choices.
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I would like to see Totodile, Chimchar, and chespin as starters. The typings would be Water-fighting, Fire-rock, and Grass-flying.
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i would like to see an Legends: Mew! And the starters maybe Fuecoco, Grookey and and Totodile