Have you ever lost a Pokémon or your Save file to something? If so, what happened?

I once had a save file of Pokémon X that was very dear to me as it had my level 100 Delphox and Talonflame and even my Mewtwo and Mew. Though one day I lost it, and now I don't have some of those legendaries like my mew and Mewtwo and my beloved delphox and talonflame. I want to know if any of you guys had a fate as bad as mine or worse because I have a feelinh I'm not the only one who suffered this.
Not technically lost but once my younger brother got a 3DS I gave him my copy of X (I had moved on to Omega Ruby at that point). The Blaziken that was one of my best players in that game became one of his partners- he even transferred it to Alpha Sapphire when he got a copy.
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I like many old school Pokemon players, lost their old generation 2 saves due to the battery running out. Unfortunate, but I guess it was worth it, having a Game Boy game with a clock in it was pretty mind-blowing!
Strangely enough, the save battery in Pokemon Yellow is still kicking!
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I was duplicating master balls in pokemon crystal and a Tyrogue became bugged and my Tentacool vanished from existence.
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When I was 6, I was playing Fire Red, and forgot to save it. Then I turned it off.😓. I had gotten this Caterpie that I was really good friends with!
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I lost the game cartridge that had the first game I fully played start to finish, and it had many Pokémon that were important to me. Among them were likely many Pokémon from my first ever full playthrough, as I can't find them in the other save files, and I always trade my important Pokémon to myself before resetting a game. It just disappeared one day and I never saw it again. I don't live in the place I lost it at anymore, so it's gone forever. At least I still have my very first Pokémon cartridge though. Thankfully I haven't lost another Pokémon cartridge since then. Except maybe a copy of Shield since I didn't care after I bought the version with DLC and save files are stored on the console now.