What Pokemon needs a regional form?

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i would like a Galarian Sableye.
Best Answers
@Eremas nice!
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hmm maybe charcadet, Ceruledge and amourouge
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Mightyena! Worked out well for Zigzagoon to get a regional form and extra evolution
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I would like to see Golett Line getting a regional variant. Same with Turtonator, Zangoose, Seviper, Bombirdier, as well as Pinsir, Heracross, and Honedge Line. I would also like to see a Meowth regional variant getting a rock type.
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I also like to see a Hippopotas line and Sandile line having a part water type regional variant.
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There are so many different things u could change about it
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@Jokemon811 I would like to see a dwebble being a water/bug type due to its tendency to be hermit crab like.