Finding Friends...
Is there a board where people post their user name's? I am having a hard time finding/adding friends on TCG Live app.
My name is PokemomKolector
Please add me! I need friends!!
JazzyUnicornGir is my user, add me please, I would love to play with other people
Add me BoomTouchBuggy8
@BoomTouchBuggy8 I added you yesterday when I seen your post
@Holden_D Okay, thank you so much
Thanks for the add, I was playing with but the game froze
Feel free to add me: Rockisto1234567
@BoomTouchBuggy8 Ahhh, ok that explains it. It's al'ight though, I know that a lot of people are having issues
@TechHog You don't have friends?!?!?!?!?!