New pokemon in Legends Kalos?

Member Posts: 1,967 ✭✭✭✭
Any chance there be new pokemon existing in the Legends Era Kalos? Are we going to see what ancient Pokemon Look like just as much as What happened with Hisui before it turn into sinnoh, or are we going to see something more futuristic?
AND I think we'll see something more futuristic, I still think the game will take place in the future, I think it's possible that you know a Lumiosian forms of some Pokémon, like a Lumiosian forms of Grass and Steel type Serperior, or a Fire and Psychic type from Inceneroar, and a Water and Fighting type for Empoleon, and I imagine a Lumiosian forms for Haterenne too, but I think we will have more new mega evolutions and new Evolution