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Pokémon Forums Edition: Episode 9 (Part One)



  • UnovanZorua
    UnovanZorua Member Posts: 2,361 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Writing three parts for this has been tiring so part 4 (hopefully the last part) is going to be written tomorrow instead of today.

  • Hey_PIKMIN
    Hey_PIKMIN Member Posts: 1,050 ✭✭✭
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    @UnovanZorua No Problem, take all the time you need!

  • UnovanZorua
    UnovanZorua Member Posts: 2,361 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    (PART 4 HAS FINALLY ARRIVED, 10 DAYS LATE! I wanted to do this after the 3DS internet shut down as that kept me busy, but I stayed busy for longer than I expected. RIP 3DS. This is a very long one but I think I did good. Please let this get approved. Please.)

    The Trio has defeated the trainers Cheren told them to defeat, and are now qualified to challenge the Gym Leader himself!

    "YESS! Now you're going to fight me and give me that Gym Badge!" Blake pointed at Cheren and shouted loudly, making his own Riolu, which he hasn't returned into its Pokéball, trip on a pebble while it was walking towards him. Sophie gave Esbern some revives and potions for his Golurk, and healed her own Pokémon too using items she bought at the Pokémon Center while she was waiting for the other two.

    Cheren walked to the battle field and grabbed his Pokéballs, then announced "I accept your challenge! Let's all do our best and have a battle we can be proud of!" as he sent out the team he uses against trainers with no badges; Patrat, Pidove, and Lillipup. "These Pokémon are well-trained, so I'll only be using them."

    Blake kept Riolu out, while Sophie and Esbern decided to send out Popplio and Mareep respectively. Riolu quickly runs over to Blake and barks as if it's trying to say something, and Blake decides to bring out his Pokédex to help him figure out what Riolu wants. "RIOLU WOULD LIKE TO LEARN FORCE PALM, BUT IT ALREADY HAS FOUR MOVES. WOULD YOU LIKE TO DELETE A MOVE TO MAKE ROOM FOR FORCE PALM?" the Pokédex says in its robotic voice, and Blake decides to delete Endure. Riolu returns to the battle.

    Esbern scans Cheren's Pokémon using his Pokédex and learns their levels. Patrat is Level 12, Pidove is Level 12, and Lillipup is Level 14. He targets Lillipup with Thunder Wave since it's the strongest of them, just for it to dodge and use Work Up, and Cheren's other Pokémon also use Work Up. Sophie decides to tell Popplio to use Disarming voice, and since she and Popplio are in the center, it hits all three of Cheren's Pokémon! Blake tells Riolu to try out its new move against Lillipup, and it deals supereffective damage against it! Lillipup restores its HP with the Oran Berry it was holding, and uses Tackle against Riolu (who Blake had forgotten to heal), defeating it, Pidove uses Quick Attack against Mareep, and Patrat uses Bite against Popplio.

    Blake grabs a Pokéball from his bag and sends out.. Deerling?! "Huh?! Wait, I sent out the wrong Pokémon! I- I'm going to return it,just let me send out a different Pokémon! Ugh, why didn't I just release this thing!" Blake spluttered as he tried to grab Tepig's Pokéball from his bag, and Deerling noticed how Blake feels about it despite not fully understanding human speech.

    Cheren looks at him, visibly disappointed and angered at what Blake said. "How do you call yourself a future champion, or even a Trainer? You say such things to your Pokémon. Yet, you wouldn't be a Pokémon Trainer without them by your side! Truly strong Trainers can become strong with any Pokémon, and they don't mistreat their Pokémon." He condemned Blake. Blake let go of Tepig's Pokéball and looked at Deerling, it seemed unmotivated. It seemed nervous, and it could barely keep itself standing up. He didn't know how to apologise, so he simply says, in a calm tone, quieter than his usual loud voice; "Deerling! I'm going to keep you in this battle. We can win this- after all, I'm the future Champion of Unova, and you're one of my Pokémon, so I'm sure you can beat a mere Gym Leader!", returning Deerling's confidence.

    "DEERLING! USE DOUBLE KICK AGAINST THAT LILLIPUP!" He shouts out loud, and Deerling understands. It's a critical hit, and supereffective against Lillipup, and before Cheren has a chance to use a potion on Lillipup, the second kick hits and also lands a critical hit, defeating Lillipup!

    Sophie tells Popplio to use Aqua Jet against Patrat, and Esbern orders Mareep to use Thunder Shock against Pidove. They use those moves twice in a row and win before Cheren's Pokémon get a chance to attack because I am getting so tired of how long this part is that I will break the fourth wall.

    (This was unexpectedly long to an absurd degree. The aftermath will be its own part.)
  • Hey_PIKMIN
    Hey_PIKMIN Member Posts: 1,050 ✭✭✭
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  • Hey_PIKMIN
    Hey_PIKMIN Member Posts: 1,050 ✭✭✭
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    Also good episode, I like the setup with Blake, maybe he could have an arc or two to help his development!

  • UnovanZorua
    UnovanZorua Member Posts: 2,361 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    I FINALLY FINISHED IT! I barely reread it though so it might be a bit messy. Also I forgot to copy the text just in case it doesn't get approved :(

  • UnovanZorua
    UnovanZorua Member Posts: 2,361 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    It didn't get approved. So here's a short version of things I had in it:

    - Gym badges obtained - Cheren teaching Blake what he (Cheren) learnt in BW1. - Sophie asking Cheren what made the previous heroes get chosen, as she's researched everything she could find but it's all too vague. - Cheren answers that he isn't sure, but all three of the people who have been chosen by Legendary Pokémon in the past 15 years shared a pure-hearted dedication to their beliefs. - The trio stays at the Pokémon Center and rests one more time before leaving to their next adventure

    (remember next episode is a dream episode)


    - It's been around 15 years since BW1 - I think Bianca should be the professor now since she was the assistant at least 8/10 years ago (in this story 13 years ago) - Burnet is in the Dream World because she decided to research it more while in Alola but got stuck and wants to see her family again, though the only way out is by calming the genies -I don't know how to write Esbern's story

  • UnovanZorua
    UnovanZorua Member Posts: 2,361 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    FINALLY! I had to settle for this because the first version, an actual story, took me at least 2 hours not counting time spent checking the dictionary and finding different words for said so the writing doesn't look bland and I didn't want to do all that again

  • Michael629303
    Michael629303 Member Posts: 1,013 ✭✭✭✭
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    OK now who going next.

    Also great job!

  • UnovanZorua
    UnovanZorua Member Posts: 2,361 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Who'll make EP10? I think @clasingla only made 1 episode so maybe they can do it.