Which version do you like more? Counting remakes and sequels…..

Not counting first gen because there many games and it would take a while…..
Gold silver or crystal in my opinion it’s crystal
Heart gold or soul silver in my opinion it’s soul silver
Fire red or leaf green in my opinion it’s fire red
Ruby sapphire or emerald in my opinion it’s emerald
Diamond Pearl or platinum in my opinion it’s platinum
Brilliant diamond or shining Pearl I actually don’t like both of so I have no opinion
Black or white in my opinion it’s white
Black 2 or white 2 in my opinion it’s white 2
X or Y in my opinion it’s x
Sun or moon in my opinion it’s moon
Ultra sun or ultra moon in my opinion it’s ultra moon
Sword or shield in my opinion it’s sword
Scarlet or violet in my opinion it’s always violet
I will continue this when more mainline games come out.
Smell ya later
Best Answers
What do you mean it would take a while for the first gen? There are only four games in that generation, and three, like most of the following gens, in the west.
Also, the difference between paired versions essentially came down to exclusives in the early gens.
And in the halcyon days before gen 3 the legendaries weren't version exclusive, so you could easily trade wild Pokémon to complete your Pokédex. (Okay, fossils and Eeveelutions in gen 1 were kind of legendaries before breeding in gen 2, but not version locked. You could choose.)
- Red
- Crystal
- A kick to the crotch
- Platinum
- Black
- Black 2
- Y
- Sun
- Involuntary brain surgery
- Violet
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@TheJeffers I was making this post and my mom told me I had some work to do so I scrapped gen 1 and I quickly copied the text from the one I wrote for gen 2 and I wrote the correct games