best pokemon generation

whats the best pokemon generation
Best Answers
Gen 1 and 3
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Gen 3 and Gen 6
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Gens 1 and 2 because 1 is the original and 2 is great I have not finished either and I have played pokemon for years though I keep getting my files deleted but they where a actually hard and posed a challenge.not saying that the new generations are bad but they are too easy.i do want to try gen 5 and and 3.i heard 3 is the best and krookodile is in gen 5 and I love the story 2 Brothers fighting sounds like me and my brother.(hmm zekrom is better hmm)
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gen 6 for me
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For me personally it’s gen 3 for introduction of abilities and for having the coolest vibe I’ve ever seen out of a group of newcomer pocket monsters. Also imo it has the definitive Kanto experience, but Hoenn as a whole is the region I adore the most.
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5, 6, and 7 (not counting LGPE) are tied.