What causes a Pokémon to be caught/captured? (Ton of questions here)

By that, I don't mean that a Pokeball/Capture Styler is used. What about the Pokeball and Styler causes it to be caught? If a Pokémon can break out of a ball, what causes it to finally stay in? Does it just give up? If it's trying to break out, what makes it friendly afterwards once it, (IDK which of the following is true,) gives up or is fully captured (the pokeball doesn't fully, let's say latch on at first?). Also it's been years so IDR how the capture Styler works nor what makes the Pokémon friendly and obedient therefter. Thank you for any theories and even better official answers.
I do not have any answers to your questions— which by the way are fantastic— but I hope that other people have some. This is a very intriguing topic.
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wow! I think that Pokeballs give stress to a Pokemon so he will get in the ball, but some Pokemon are strong and get out of the ball. So is Ultra Ball much stress giving to a strong pokemon than a normal ball.
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Its magic
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I think the Pokémon gets caught once it believes a trainer is worthy, then the Pokémon shrink into the Pokéball. That's why Legendaries have low catch rates while common Pokémon are easy to catch.
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I assume you are asking about the in-universe mechanics of capturing Pokémon. Because we know the mechanics of the game.
I recall the developers mentioning that the inside of a Pokéball to be a comfortable, healing environment. That the idea of attacking and weakening it is that for the Pokémon it makes remaining inside the Pokéball appear preferable to being outside it.
And I also recall that characters like Drayden talk about life before Pokéballs and how they made befriending Pokémon easier, so we can infer that it exerts some control over the Pokémon.
There was a suggestion from the Sinnoh Myths that Pokémon naturally are inclined to serve humans, so maybe Pokéballs are just the modern form of that dynamic.
Mind you, the Japanese version also talks about marrying Pokémon, and the implications of beating up a creature then enslaving it to your will are bad enough without adding that layer.
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Oh my god @TheJeffers you didn’t have to right all that
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@Pokemaster9293 I like that he writes more and find his insights useful
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@Pokemaster9293 Brevity is the soul of wit, as they say.
I could perhaps be a little more succinct, but I'd rather write a lot and cover everything I mean to say, hopefully providing some references to reinforce what I am saying along the way, than simply state my opinion in one sentence and leave it at that.
And I am often passionate about the things I write about. Words come easily when you care.
@Eremas Thank you. It is nice to know that some people take the time to read and consider what I have to say. I don't claim to be an authority or the final word on any subject, but I hope to at least have something insightful, interesting or helpful to contribute.
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@Eremas i agree. @TheJeffers’ posts are very interesting and make me think too about things.