Why Don't TPCI find another developer to work on PTCGL?
I may be missing something here so correct me if I am wrong but it feels at this point TPCI should be able to find another developer to work on and regulate TCGL. I'm going to be real it feel like the game would be in a much better place if they hired a development team on a contract like they did with DireWolf with PTCGO for PTCGL.
I appreciate that it may be quite expensive and difficult to find a development team that can develop a game to a decent quality that TPCI and its players expect. I appreciate everything that the current development team at TPCI for TCGL have done but at this point the game lacks so many key features and modes that are in most other competitive TCG online clients.
I understand this may be a difficult topic to talk about and may be more complicated then it seems. I just feel this game has so much potential and having a team of people who know what they are doing specifically focused on the Development of TCGL would significantly accelerate the quality and enjoyment of this TCG client for its player base.
I totally agree. There is another way. PTCGL opens up recharge crystals, and then the money earned can be used to hire more programmers. The current development team is very bad. This is the first time I have seen a game where the game code is full of loopholes and the code is not encrypted.
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It's only the highest grossest media franchise ever created.
There's a long history of them not actually spending any of that money on creating well-made games and just coasting on name alone.
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I meant highest grossing media franchise but I can't even do basic things like edit my post around here.
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no one can @Ampersundae no one can
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It's frustrating sometimes. What's the reason for it? Lack of development? Have they not ever been to another forum and thought wow, we should implement these nifty ideas?
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@Ampersundae TPCi only has access to a small fraction of the franchise revenue. While it should be better than it is now, they don't actually have the funding for an AAA project.
And the lack of editing is an intentional choice since we use to have it. Why? No idea.
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@TechHog fair enough. And there's no way I think that my idea of give people more money to work on the thing I like is a good financial decision. It's just a wish.
I have considered that this should be a more "kid-friendly" part of the internet, because Pokémon is for all ages, but I do think eventually having the ability to edit your own posts here is reasonable request. I think if I have the ability to edit my spelling or grammar that's for the best of the entire community.