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How could I participate in a competition overseen by TPC Asia?

I'm wanting to participate in the Championships in Hong Kong this June as I'll be there, should I make another account for the asian pokemon card website so I can register? I'm aware that there is a rule against having two play pokemon accounts, but I'm not sure if this is classified under the same category?


  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,626 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    I am not sure how the game is managed in Hong Kong, but the card game in Japan has a different system and website I am registered with to play in events here. I would not be able to play with my western account.

    I assume Hong Kong is the same. Check their website.

    Also, are your cards legal for use in Hong Kong tournaments? Do they use the western card back, the Japanese card back, or some other back entirely?

  • ZinniaRayquaza
    ZinniaRayquaza Member Posts: 2
    First Comment Photogenic

    All the cards are English Standard I believe, would creating a new TPC account go against any rules? Seeing as they have a different system there, but I am still the same person