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Expanded Format deck strategy discussion

SMFXGaming Member Posts: 2
First Comment Photogenic

Okay, I'm curious to see how most people are going about Expanded format in casual. I don't play ranked because I don't really ever get good cards to use in Standard decks. If anyone has some good decks they are proud of and want to share, then feel free to mention it. I also want to share a deck that has been working well for me, as I think it is quite useful and a certain aspect has gotten me out of quite a few near-loss scenarios.

Zacian Zenith (Expanded Format only)

Pokémon: 12

2 Magnemite UPR 81

1 Jirachi {*} CES 97

4 Zacian V SSH 138

1 Zacian V-UNION PR-SW 166

1 Zacian V-UNION PR-SW 164

1 Zacian V-UNION PR-SW 165

1 Zacian V-UNION PR-SW 163

2 Magneton UPR 82

1 Magnemite UPR 80

1 Radiant Jirachi SIT 120

2 Magnezone UPR 83

2 Mawile SSH 129

Trainer: 19

1 Ordinary Rod SSH 171

1 Poké Kid SSH 173

1 Roseanne's Backup BRS 148

2 Pal Pad SSH 172

4 Quick Ball SSH 179

1 Rare Candy SSH 180

2 Switch SSH 183

1 Adaman ASR 181

1 Sonia CPA 65

2 Scoop Up Net RCL 165

1 Timer Ball SUM 134

2 Peonia CRE 149

2 Ultra Ball BRS 150

1 Jasmine TEU 145

2 Hop SSH 165

2 Mt. Coronet UPR 130

1 Rescue Stretcher GRI 130

1 Skyla BKT 148

Energy: 1

13 Basic {M} Energy Energy 52

The strategy behind this is one I find to be useful against quite a few decks.

Firstly, the Zacian V of the deck are major powerhouses. And while Zacian V normally suffers from a turn cooldown to attack again, I realized that combining two Zacian V with the Ultra Prism Magnezone (allowing as many Steel Energy attachments per turn) and Mt. Coronet (2 Steel Energy from discard into hand) allows a constant loop of actions that goes as follows: power up both Zacian V to 3 energy, attack, then on the next turn retreat to the other Zacian, use Mt. Coronet to get back both of the lost energy, then use Magnezone to put those energy back on the original with its Ability. This allows for a consistent 230 damage every turn.

Zacian V-Union is also a great card set, as you can get them into the discard while getting the Zacian V ready. They can be hard to get into discard most times with this layout, but you can edit as you see fit. And with Magnezone in play, it's not hard to power up- and the 340 damage, while not every turn, still isn't difficult to get back with Mt. Coronet- with 200 damage or 150 damage and -150 taken next turn while you wait.

Radiant Jirachi also helps with finding needed cards as long as you have time to send cannon fodder out.

But the combo that has gotten me out of the most problematic situations lately is a combination of Jirachi Prism Star, Peonia, and Scoop Up Net. First time around, put Jirachi into the Prize Cards if it isn't there already with Peonia. Then, you can get it back with a Scoop Up Net since it isn't a GX or V. This allows you to put it back into the Prize Cards again with another Peonia. And since you can choose exactly where the Jirachi will be, you'll know exactly which Prize Card to take to get another one afterwards as long as you have Bench space, making it so you are guaranteed to get another Prize Card no matter what happens. It also lets you possibly get important cards out of the Prize Cards while you're at it.

I also use Mawile because of its Find A Friend ability, which can get a Pokemon I need. This can be a Zacian V to put on the Bench and power up, a Zacian V-UNION fragment to get a bit closer to having it in play, a Jirachi Prism Star to boost Prize Card output, a Magnezone evolution part to get closer to having Energy attachment restrictions lifted, etc.

It's definitely been really useful in the few Expanded battles I've had so far. So I'm pretty happy with it.

I'd love to see other people's strategies or even ways they'd try and counter this deck. I would have used an earlier variation of this deck when Ultra Prism was still in Standard rotation with Zacian V, but I can never actually get to many IRL events, so I couldn't really do anything there.

Hopefully you find this deck strategy interesting, and I hope to see other people's own Expanded decks and strategies as well.


  • Ravenclawed1234
    Ravenclawed1234 Member Posts: 865 ✭✭✭✭
    250 Likes 250 Agrees 500 Comments 100 LOLs

    I mostly play standard casual, but I use the new Togedemaru, Dededene, Pikachu, and Morpeko when I do