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Charizards Def & SpDef stats are a joke

I am a Charizard main, even though Charizard is the most neglected and nerfed Pokemon in this game.

The Defense and SpDef stats of this pokemon are a joke. Lets compare it with other Pokemon.
As a comparison I will take LEVEL 12 stats from all pokemon.

Pokemon I Defense I SpDef

Charizard I 241 I 184
Tsareena I 278 I 227
Buzzwole I 371 I 279
Duraludon I 222 I 149
Miraidon I 209 I 186

These are the stats according to unite-db.com….

What you actually notice is, that Charizards stats are the WORST from all All-Rounders. When it comes to Defense stat alone, Tsareena is the next better stats wise. Even if I equip a Focus Band which gives me +30 DEF its still under the value of the one from Tsareena which is ridiculous.
Charizards DEF stat is so low, that even a Duraludon, an Attacker-Type pokemon almost reaches Charizard with its 222 DEF stat points. Charizard is just slightly better. WTF is this?

No matter what I do i will never reach the DEF stats from Buzzwole. I can equip a FocusBand (+30) and a LVL 30 ROCKY HELMET (+51) and it would result in 241+30+51 = 322 DEF stat which is not even CLOSE to Buzzwole.

When it comes to SpDEF it gets worse.
Also the same here… Duraludon is very close to Charizard. The SpDef of MIRAIDON, an Attacker Pokemon EXCEEDS the one from Charizard (even if its just 2 points). What is going on here? If I equip a Focus Band on LVL 30 I dont even exceed the stat from Tsareena (also an All-Rounder).

Charizard needs a HUGE BUFF in Defense and SpDef Stats because this really is a joke. I played Charizard over 5000 times and its my main Pokemon. And trust me if I say, that this pokemon is barely playable if you do not equip at least one defensive item on it. Otherwise I feel like a squishy Pikachu because I die too fast.

I dont understand how the developers never saw this before or ignoring it completely. I hope I can achieve something with this post.


  • clasingla
    clasingla Member Posts: 3,509 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    give me charizards attack and speed stats first before I can agree