release date for Pokemon Legends Z-A

we know it'll be released in 2025 but the question being will it be releasing in the holidays or spring in 2025?
@clasingla I agree. The game should need more time to get it done and I would like to see the anime ti.ed with the game's release.
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I would hope that it will be an autumn/winter release and Z-A will be the 2025 main series release.
I am not looking to re-open the 'is PLA a spin-off' debate. I am simply talking in terms of how the powers that be view the release in terms of their scheduling. Z-A should be the only Pokémon release in 2025 in my opinion.
It is difficult to say what precisely has been the cause of the problems with the franchise in the past decade, but one of the exacerbating factors has almost certainly been time constraints. The games appear rushed and poorly optimised.
The sigh of relief from even the fanbase was palpable when it was announced that a new game wasn't being forced out this year. Do we really want to make that pause redundant by pushing two games the following year anyway? Releasing three games in the span of one year didn't help the quality of SV's release.
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@TheJeffers legends Arceus was January 2022 scarlet and violet was third week of november 2022 I expect the exact same thing with legends z-a and the next generation but in 2025 the pokemon presents will happen it will reveal a new generation and people would be shocked cause they did not expect a new generation
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legends Arceus was released January 2022 scarlet and violet were released November 2022 I could see something similar happening like that again just because we have legends z-a coming out in 2025 people won't think that a mainline series game will come out and then pokemon presents febuarary 27 viola we get a new mainline pokemon game revealed coming out the third Friday of November like always
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@clasingla I certainly hope not. Save gen 10(!) for 2026, at the earliest.
Also, following the pattern of the last generation's releases is the exact opposite of shocking. Surely absolutely anything else would be more shocking by definition.
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@TheJeffers Maybe gen 10 will be ready in 2027 or 2028.