Thoughts on the announcement of Pokémon Legends: Z-A?

Personally I am ecstatic about it as I have always liked Kalos (despite having never finished X/Y at the time of writing) and I think there are so many ways Game Freak can tell the story; from having us see the ultimate weapon fire first-hand or even taking it down the route of having us go into the future (I say this as the reveal trailer has a lot of neon and also seems to hint at a in-universe redesign of Lumiose city).
Next, mega evolution is making (presumably)its return! This could possibly hint at new mega evolutions of Pokémon that were never found in the original Kalos games or even Mega evolution for pokemon that never got them in X/Y.
Last but not least, The game will presumably give us new forms of the Kalos legendary trio (like the Sinnoh Legendries in PLA) and could also allow for AZ's Floette to be an obtainable Pokémon after spending 10 years hidden in the code of X/Y.
If you have any hopes or other ideas about Legends Z-A, Please share them in the comments!
In the pokemon ORSA manga, the upside down V was the symbol for Rayquaza.
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Isn't an upside down V just the Delta symbol (like how Groudon had Omega and Kyogre had Alpha).
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The trailer didn't show us any gameplay, which makes it hard to judge. I want to see the game in action before I get excited about it.
The trailer gave me a futuristic vibe, rather than something set in the past. The fact that it is called Z-A rather than A-Z suggests a story starting at its end, rather than its beginning. Could we see a potential future Kalos instead of the past? Or maybe time travel between the past and the future?
The focus also seemed to be on the main city with the not-Eiffel Tower. Could the game be contained exclusively to the city, but one that is entirely explorable, creating a more detailed smaller world as opposed to the mostly empty larger one we saw in PLA and SV?
At any rate, it is difficult for me to be excited at this stage. I did not particularly like XY, as I view it as the beginning of the series' ongoing decade-long decline. I did not care for Kalos or the story.
And again, we have not seen any gameplay. That will really be when we see whether Gamefreak have addressed any of the issues plaguing their recent releases, or this will simply continue the trend.
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I think they are two different games
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Bruh what bout the movie??? I mean, For PLA (Pokemon Legends Arceus) was, why not for Z-A
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PLA (Pokemon Legends Arceus)
Why abbreviate it just to put the full title in brackets anyway?
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I'm personally super excited for it! Legends: Arceus was so much fun and such a cool direction for the series to take, I can't wait to see what they do with Z-A. My only concern is that they specifically stated that the entire game is going to take place within Lumiose City, so I'm just not sure how big of a world it actually will be to explore, and that leaves the question of where exactly do the wild pokemon encounters come in if we aren't leaving the city? I'm sure they have some tricks up their sleeve to make it work, and maybe there will be other areas to explore after all. We will have to wait and see how they are going to do it but over all it is going to be a unique experience for sure and I still can't wait!