Which 3 Starters Would you Like Z - A to Have?

Mine would be Squirtle, Treeko, and maybe Tepig.
Or, better yet, you can pick ANY starter from Red/Blue - X/Y
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Piplup, Tepig and Grookey
Snivy, Piplup and Litten
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I just want a starter that I really like
Grass - Bulbasaur, Treecko, Turtwig, and Rowlet
Fire - Cyndaquil, Chimchar, Litten, and Fuecoco
Water - Squirtle, Totodile, Mudkip, Oshawott
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I think Snivy, Scorbunny, and Popplio will be the starters.
What I actually want the starters to be is Fennekin, Fennekin, Fennekin. With three old/future Kalosian forms for Delphox (depending on when PLZ-A takes place). And three unique Megas. Actually, maybe we can use the other starters too and give Chespin two mega forms and PLZ-A-ian Kalos forms.
And Froakie gets nothing because it's like a modern Charizard. It's already Ash's main partner in Kalos, has a form that boosts its stats by more than 100, making them Legendary-like and the form is also linked to Ash, the most famous Pokémon character, is used in the DEMO FOR SUN AND MOON as your only Pokémon and is a gift from Ash btw, and is featured in many more things than Delphox and Chesnaught.
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I do think Greninja looks cool but the others need time to shine without it hogging all the attention and being absurdly more overpowered.
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E I also thought that I could continue the Kalos starters, that would be cool, that I would really love the idea of a Magé Delphox, that I love Fennekin too
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CCorrecting, Mega Delphox
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ARegarding Greninja I agree, I think that both Chesnaught and Delphox deserve new forms too, if possible, I really hope that in the Pokémon Horizons Anime, Liko gets a Fennekin