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Anyone else think the Tcg needs limits on EX, V vmax etc limit

I am So tired of getting ran through playing try just trying to casually play the game when a person can use as many EXs vmax whatever whatever you want to use and I think that they should have a limit of one just like the do you know if it's a certain type you can only have a certain limit of EX etc but like I find it very disconcerting and no fun when the first three cards they flip over are three ex pokemon and their deck they have four of each one in deck and they're all EXs off the rip and they're classified basic? that is not a basic pokémon anywhere at all like I think you should have to get to that point through evolution like just like you would in the videogame mit makes. Its two stacked u shouldn't be able to have only ex and or V decks etc. I think it should be a requirement to have at least so many regular pokémon on involved EX and then be and you should not be able to play any of them until you earned it I don't think I'd cuz I've never been in any pokémon game where just right off the rip it's an EX fight or a V-Max spider or any thing that doesn't change it from you know evolution as a regular pokémon without having any special abilities or nothing I think it's getting so old it's making me not want to play there's no fun anymore no challenge then what my 60 up to 120 is going to take the game for me from EXs are you kidding me like it's all luck of the draw but if I don't know what they're if I don't know what they are playing with I think that I should know what at least I'm fighting against like you would know that in a video game you would know that even in real life you would be like I want to know what what I'm playing against so I can set up either grab a different deck that I can counteract it or not cuz going in blind is just to me is that even really a challenge is more of a gamble because I mean you could If I see three things come out and I know that at least half of my pokémon are just regular you know I need to evolve in three times or whatever pokémon I'm not I'm going to quit right away because it's no fun there's no point That seems the opposite of what you would want to be doing You want at least the the fun to be there not discourage players when playing like imagine a kid I'd be pissed off but I was a kid and thinking I'm just having you know I'm playing a regular people I don't know though I don't know how tournaments and work or anything like that in the real world but I really think they need to think about 0 limiting how many you can have of those type especially if you're putting them all together like you should not be able to run a straight deck like that . Anyone else with me or feel this 2


  • Nashedtators
    Nashedtators Member Posts: 96 ✭✭✭
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    I get where you're coming from but everything is balanced fairly well so those "big basics" while daunting are pretty easy to take out with most strategies. It'd probably help if you didn't quit games and watched what the other person was doing and try to learn from them. I've only been playing less than a year and I've done 4 tournaments and got 9th of 21 at my last cup going 3-2, but I never would've come close if I didn't take all the losses I have and learned from my mistakes and my opponent's success.

    Another thing that helped me was watching the regional live streams on YouTube and watching how those guys play. You don't have to play meta decks but you can learn a lot by watching how the trainers play

    I hope you can come around to better enjoy the game! Also if the big pokemon is too annoying still, you could try Gym Leader Challenge (glc) format which restricts you to one energy type and I'm pretty sure you can only have one copy of each card in deck and no "rule box" pokemon.

  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,661 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    I know this isn't a school and you don't have to use perfect, formal English, but at least use paragraphing and punctuation in your posts, especially if they are long. It makes it so much more legible.

    Otherwise, my first instinct, and that I suspect of so many other users, is to tl;dr. Not that people don't do that even with properly formatted text, but it helps.

    As for the content of your post, or what I could discern of it: power creep. Every game has it, and card games always have to contend with it eventually. It is even worse for paper card games because you cannot errata physical cards the same way you can with pieces in a digital game.

    The companies behind card games want to sell packs, and the easiest way to do that is to make the new cards bigger, flashier and generally better than what came before. Otherwise everyone will just keep the old cards.

    A rotating format can help abate this, because it provides a space where newer cards can have their appeal without having to compete with the old cards. But even then, players can get bored and leave after a few rotations of the same types of cards.

    With the best will in the world, designers actively trying to limit power creep are still going to have power creep in their game. Because new cards with new abilities will introduce new, more powerful lines of play. Or an archetype will accrue enough of a certain card to become a more powerful deck, even if the newer members aren't mechanically more powerful than the older ones.

    EX, ex, VMax, etc. They are symptoms of this process. And players are going to use the most powerful cards available to them, especially in competitive environments.

    I am not saying that you can't critique or suggest changes to the game to limit the detrimental effects of power creep. Designers shouldn't intentionally let it run wild either. It's a delicate balance.

    But even if they implemented all the changes you probably requested in that block of unformatted text I barely read, the next most powerful thing would become the new problem.

  • bugman32
    bugman32 Member Posts: 29
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    I have to agree with steveoh81, I liked prisim and megas because there were some restrictions, like megas ending turns, and limits on how many of the same prisim you could have.

  • Resilient30
    Resilient30 Member Posts: 338 ✭✭✭
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    I’m no expert, but….

    If each series is more powerful than the last, then people will have to buy more cards since the last next series is more powerful than the last, it’s evident with the power creep, just compare Pokemon EX to Pokémon ex, you can see the immense power difference.

    So yeah, normal Pokémon cards have no chance against hard-to-get pay-more-for ex/vmax cards because those cards are rare so you have to buy more packs, and the more you can put in your deck, the more you want to buy.

    Which isn’t necessarily wrong, it’s first and foremost a business, it has to make max profits, and the online version is 100% free and gives you access to all cards, which is great for people like me.

    So that’s my take on it aside from meta explanation.

  • bugman32
    bugman32 Member Posts: 29
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    well its not why they do it, I think its perfectly normal and fair for them to increase the power of cards, but when there is no limit on how many you can have there are problems. for anything, them doing this hurts sales because nobody wants normal cards anymore. anything that doesn't have a rule box is no longer valuable, even though you could build better strategies with normal cards, people choose rule box pokemon cards for the raw power