Favorite Battle Theme?

What's your favorite battle theme? Personally I have several so I can't pick just one, but currently I really like Suicune's battle theme.
My favorites that have stuck with me is the battle themes for the Tapu Pokemon. There where very interesting to listen to and dynamic.
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Yeah I was listening to that one with my friends a couple of days ago. Alola has some very underrated themes in those games.
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I like the Area Zero Sada/Turo Theme
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Ooooo, I really like the Sara/Turo theme too. And the Koraidon/Miraidon theme as well
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I also really like the Cynthia theme and the Arven them
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The Cipher Peon themes from Pokémon Colosseum and its sequel both stand out to me. Team Cipher stands in your way like other villainous teams in the mainline games. But when their grunts challenge you, the battle music is so uplifting that it feels like your own theme!
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Dialga's Fight to the Finish, Vs. Rayquaza from PMD has had multiple different names so I don't know what it's called, and (PSMD's Final Boss) 2.
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All good themes! Another one I liked since I was a kid is the rival theme from Heartgold and Soulsilver, and the rival theme in Black and White 2
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Second Dard Matter Battle (or (PSMD's Final Boss) 2), the Legendary Beasts Battle Theme, the Island Kahuna Battle Theme, Gladion's Theme, literally all of Area Zero's themes (battle or otherwise), all the Team Star themes, Nemona's theme, and the beginning of Diantha's theme (XY)