What do you think box legendaries friend levels are with each other

Lugia and ho-oh I don’t think has ever met each other
groundon and kyogre are worst enemies
Palkia and dialga probably have beef with each other
zekrom and reshiram friends but fight when loyal to truth or ideals
xerneas and yveltal one makes a mess and the other cleans it up
sogaleo and lunala siblings
zacian and zamazenta best friends
koraidon and Miraidon they are from different realities
Johto: They're acquaintances and somewhat know each other because their towers were built in the same city (although Lugia's was burnt and destroyed), but they rarely interact.
Hoenn: They hate each other A LOT.
Sinnoh: They're siblings who argue sometimes but usually help one another.
Unova: They're the same Pokémon and wish the entire trio could be one again- that people could accept both ideals and truth, without thinking the other is stronger, for both are equally important.
Kalos: They help each other and know that both life and death are natural and necessary parts of the world.
Alola: They know each other very well.
Galar: They're siblings.
Paldea: They don't even know the other exists.