Most unfunny Pokémon memes/jokes?

You have surely seen stuffs like the "Cynthia Undella town" meme, "Live Wo-Chien reaction" or any jokes involving Youngster Joey's Rattata.
But is there's one Pokémon meme/joke that makes you particularly cringe?
The vaporeon one, I used to like Vaporeon but the internet ruined it for me
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@Hey_PIKMIN what "vaporeon one"
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I will quote you.
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Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
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Honestly, gates to infinity being bad. Gates in the fandom gets played as a joke . but well… its a good game.
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@Tacolaser >:(
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I think Bidoof gets an unfair amount of hatred in the fandom. I was there when the games first launched; it was everywhere in early-game Diamond and Pearl. But it was essentially those games' Ratatta.
These days I think Gamefreak have gotten better at reducing the repetition of Pokémon types and distributed them in a more interesting way throughout their world.
After decades of practice and over a thousand Pokémon, they should be.