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For everyone using Lugia..



  • Cruizato16
    Cruizato16 Member Posts: 9
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    @TechHog I have seen a few with Yveltal, making it more interesting

    @behiri you say it.. 60 crystals every day, buy battle pass with it and get more rewards, rinse and repeat, you'll eventually get more variety and use credits just to complete your idea of a deck..

    Well.. I understand everyone plays as they want, to me is fun to try new strategies, deck building and playing, for others I suppose is fun only to win with the meta, etc.. I just found it boring that way, but it is up to you all at the end.

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
    2500 Comments 500 Agrees 250 Likes 50 Answers

    @Cruizato16 You're playing in lower tiers where most people only play the free decks. The reason you see the same build so much is because people playing the better builds are higher up. The free deck is garbage though, so just enjoy the free wins.

  • Cruizato16
    Cruizato16 Member Posts: 9
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    @Sakura150612 Sorry if I was unpolite when I said "I tried to read most of it but.. you could have synthesized a bit", today I read it complete and you have a very good point in everything you said, so TY for your comment, it was very interesting :)

    @TechHog TY for all your answers, I'll take them in consideration!

    I was a bit frustrated to see everyone plays the same, but you two had a very interesting points of view so TY for making the time to answer and give me new perspectives! :)

  • Sakura150612
    Sakura150612 Member Posts: 53 ✭✭
    10 Comments First Answer 5 Agrees 5 Likes

    @Cruizato16 Don't worry about it xD I have a tendency to write excessively long posts. You didn't sound rude in either case. I'm glad that you found it an interesting read :D

  • etripstenshi
    etripstenshi Member Posts: 2
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    It's the game's current design that makes it so stale. No resources to craft inventive decks, so if you have to put all your resources into literally 1 deck then you pick the most meta deck. Makes the game stale and boring. So many interesting cards but I'm not going to spend $4000 to buy the IRL packs to get enough codes to try and build 1 experimental deck only to find out it gets stomped. And even if I buy the codes online for a fraction of that, its still close to $100+ to make a deck in an online game.