Switch 2 potential

What power that will revolutionize the pokemon games the console possess? Not even I have the answer.
Best Answers
@clasingla Something strong enough to create a larger regional pokedex, nicer environment, keep mega evolution and z-moves and upgrading battle system from turn based to action to an extend verbal commands and increase the moveset from 4 to 8 or even 10.
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even a return of older moves like double slap.
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I've seen rumors about it being called the "Switch Attach" meaning duel screens again?
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@Ravenclawed1234 interesting notion on that.
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I happened to play pokken.
Man, I'm glad your delusions of running Pokémon are just that. The second half of this post is just terrible and shows a fundamental lack of understanding of the IP. And thinking that power is the limitation for all of these things is funny.
Go play Pokken if you want action.
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If history has taught us anything, it's that moving to newer hardware has caused more problems for Gamefreak than anything.
It tends to be the games made after they have released a game or two and gotten some experience with the hardware that they can produce better works, both in terms of software performance and in terms of the game's quality.
Maybe the Switch 2, the Swiitch, new Switch XL, or whatever dumb name they eventually come up with for the new Nintendo console, will have similar architecture to the Switch.
Maybe it will be a straight performance upgrade with few new bells and whistles for the developers to learn. Perhaps then Gamefreak could produce something of the performance and graphical fidelity of a Switch launch title.