Past theories you had that now seem unrealistic or proven false

This is one that seems unrealistic teal mask came out on a wensday in September indigo disk came out on a wensday in December this year is leap year so those days land on Friday Friday is usually when game releases Kitakami is like johto johto comes out same day in September blueberry academy takes place In unova December same day as dlc but the following year johto Friday September 2024 unova Friday December 2024 now the chances of this happening are very slim
We were going to get Kalos DLC. There's a huge unexplorable rock right in the place Kalos would be irl! Of course that means that Kalos is getting something other than XY! Right? Every little piece of hope in my body disappeared after BB academy was confirmed to be in Unova, but before that I was really hoping it's in Kalos because the director has a scarf that looks like Honedge.
On the other hand I was actually screaming when I saw Prism Tower in the Pokémon day video. And then screamed even more and louder once they showed the full city because that brought back so many memories. If we don't get the ability to make PR videos (where I can make it look like people are unalived, preferrably with something like PMEX's profile feature so people are actually motivated to make something other than the default) or we don't get fashion as good as XY or we don't get three billion cafés or I don't get to have style points or the newer fans miss out on any of the things that made Lumiose the greatest city in Pokémon I will go to the Pokémon company itself and complain.
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That Mewthree was in the Silph Co. Fountain. All you had to do was use strength on the truck to access it.
It was the wild west in those days. The web was still in its infancy and even if there were people hacking the games and exploring the code, there were few options for widely disseminating their findings. Anyway, a lot of it would have been in Japanese and I couldn't read it then.
No wikis, no fact checkers, the most authoritative source we had was gaming magazines. Professor Oak told us to save our master balls for Fearow in those.
The only way to know the truth about the rumours on the playground was to test it yourself. So I did.
I did a whole playthrough on one of my cartridges, skipping the SS Anne until I could get surf by trading a Pokémon with Cut, until I got Surf, travelled back to the Anne, surfed right and... saw the truck.
Could it be true? Was Mewthree going to be mine?
I used strength. Nothing happened. Tried it from every side. Nothing.
Eventually I gave up. My schoolmates had lied to me. Even though Mewtwo and even Mew turned out to be real, Mewthree was one whispered rumour too far.
Oh well, maybe I could find Pikablu. That one had to be real. There were even hazy pictures from the Japanese internet labelled "マリル". A round little blue mouse. That had to be Pikablu! But where to find it in Red and Blue?
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armor feature for the pokemon games would also be a falsie too. Never believe in rumors.
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I believed that if you failed a shiny then you could never encounter it again
Explains my distaste for Ditto and Zangoose (my first shiny was a ditto but I failed it) (I encountered a shiny Seviper but Xangoose killed it)