Which spinoff would you like to see get a new game?

Personally, My answer will always be mystery dungeon! But I wonder what y'all think.
I always say Pokémon Colosseum when this thread comes up, but I suspect that it might be seen as competition for the main series these days, given that they are now 3D home console releases.
I would like a new TCG RPG, but I think TPC believe TCG Live already fullfills that role.
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Pokémon Ranger
Pokémon Stadium
Pokémon Battle Revolution
Pokémon Colosseum
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Same here. I need a new PMD game. Not just a remake. All of them had awesome stories and were really fun to play.
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Out of interest do people here like the Mystery Dungeon series as a whole, or just the Pokémon ones?
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Poképark because I'm curious to see how Mimikyu would be portrayed in it.
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Pokkén Tournament sequel or spiritual successor because I would like to see a new Pokémon from past to present generations become new playable fighters and NPC supporters, as well as any of returning playable fighters and supporters, except for those lesser-known, obscure or no longer popular like Pikachu Libre. That’s all.
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@TheJeffers I didn't even know it was a series, I love PMD though so if we got #6 I's be a very happy customer