daily thoughs on pokemon (clasingla) #3

i dont know why so far we only got legendary and mythicals because todays discussion is you guessed it arceus
arceus has its own game & was never handed out in diamond pearl and platinum because the developers thought people would think to find it would be to hard but i feel arceus is cool but judgment in legends arceus is to overpowered.
Arceus wasn't in D/P/P? I found one route one and used it as an HM slave
Maybe you mean Bidoof because that was an upsetting Pokemon to not have, Bidoof is so fluffy looking and is my favourite normal type
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I feel like it's cool. Some people are confused by it and Mew, "the ancestor of all Pokémon", coexisting but I think Arceus isn't a Pokémon, nor is any Legendary that controls things like timespace and antimatter or land and sea or life and death, only the version you can fight and catch is. The one you can see is just one of its thousand arms. The real Arceus is the beta one, the one that looks like dark yellowish space fog. It's not a Pokémon, and it's too powerful to be seen by mortals. Arceus created Mew to live on earth which eventually became each species of more regular Pokémon we currently know after millions of millions of years of changing to fit its environment and forgetting unnecessary moves and tactics to be better at the things it needs more.
I've had this theory since I first learnt of Beta Arceus and remembering the thousand arms Pokédex entry a few years ago and I think it's really good, especially after Legends confirmed that the Arceus we see isn't actually the real Arceus.