stop playing snorlax

Member Posts: 82 ✭
if you queue up snorlax stall, you are extremely cringe
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I assume the deck with 150hp Snorlax that blocks retreat?
If so, you can easily beat that with Professor Truro and just leave 1 card in the active that does a minimum of 150 damage lol... Otherwise, I don't know what deck you're on about, Snorlax decks don't fight... Or am I thinking about the wrong deck lol
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Just tech in Minior if you don't like Snorlax Stall.
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Also, please stop hating on meta decks.
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How about you stop hating on good decks
also, Minior OHKOes Snorlax for one energy btw
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Couldn’t have said it better myself.