Laziest Pokémon designs?

Usually whenever there's a discussion about which Pokémon feel lazy design wise, the Vanillite line and to an extent Voltorb/Electrode came into minds.
I would like to hear your honest opinions.
Ditto. Splat, two dots and a line.
Of course, minimalism is also a thing. Less is more, as they say. At what point does a simple design become a lazy design?
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Seel and Dewgong. "I want to make this animal a Pokémon... but I can't think of a good way to make it one. I know! I'll just simplify it a lot and add a horn!"
Also, Grimer and Muk. "Hmm.. how do I make a new Poison type. Wait. Poison? I have an idea! I'll just put eyes and a mouth on a pile of Poison!"
(I know they probably put a lot more effort into it than that and this was just gen one where the limitations and stuff meant that Pokémon looked really simple but could they really not think of anything better)
(Also they may be lazy but I still think they look cool. Lazy design and ugly design are not synonyms)
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The Tandemaus line. Its a cute pokemon but its evolution just looks the the first form with a mini version of one of them.
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Grimer and Muk.
At least they have more defined facial features and layers to their design.
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Dudunsparce is the laziest Pokemon Design I've ever seen. I can come up with a better evolution for Dunsparce.
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I feel like this is gonna get a lot of disagrees… But I sorta think snorlax's design was kinda lazy. Like, he's just built out of spheres. Don't get me wrong, Snorlax turned out well, I just feel like the game designers got a bit lucky with people liking it.
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Orthworm's design is not only weird but lazy too.