What is your favorite Legendary and Mythical Pokemon?

This topic can go a long way so just base your opinion off of looks, not battling. I would like to know what everybody’s favorite legendary and mythical pokemon are
I love the way they made Koraidon look in Scarlet and Violet, so he would be my legendary and Zeraora is an amazing mythical.
Legendaries: Glastrier, Tapu Bulu, Zygarde, Yvelta, Thundurus
Mythical: Magearna, Melmetal, Hoopa Unbound
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Legendaries: Rayquaza, Zamazenta, Miraidon, Kiraidon, Chien-pao, and Spectrier.
Mythicals: Celebi, Zeraora, Marshadow, Hoopa, Zarude.
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Favorite legendary: Arceus.
Favorite Mythical: Pecharunt or Hoopa Unbound.
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Legendary is easy Yveltal. And mythical is even more easy and it is Darkria
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Legendaries: Latios, Latias, Urshifu (water fist style), Ogerpon, Moltres, Tornadus, Palkia, Xerneas, Kyogre, Lugia
Mythical: Meloetta, Mew, Zarude, Shaymin, Arceus, Magearna, Diancie