Choose your adventure 11

You entered a forest and looked to the sky's canopy to see a flying creature flying above the tall forest. You consult your pokedex but it respond with "No Data found! Pokemon not native to Fjorda region." You were both curious and concerned, you move forward with your Pokemon to run into your childhood friend. She claimed she saw a ghost and wish to accompany you until you both make it out of the forest. you also see some wild Pokemon and trainer battles.
At the near end of the forest, You noticed Team Tundra wreaking havoc blocking off the exit. you and your friend battle team tundra and drove the enemies away. she thank you for the travel. Despite being hesitant, she also want to thank your new ghost Pokemon friend as well and think it's kind of cute too. You exit the forest and enter a new route.
@clasingla have a look at it.
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@MajorBrendan Not to be rude but how does this connect to anything?
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@clasingla did state that I make the choice. He or she's the editor so it's that person's call.
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@MajorBrendan You were supposed to connect it to episode 5 done by me but you seem to ignore it completely and make your own sideplot
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I typed a longer post but it may not go through so in short
A. @clasingla clearly said that you had to continue from my plot
B. You clearly didn't pay attention to any of the instructions for this
C. If you are just going to make your own story then just do that
D. This isn't even choose your own adventure
E. If the only reason you are doing this is to show the Pokemon Company and not because you are legitimately wanting to be a part of this, then don't because you clearly don't have any passion for it
F. @clasingla After seeing this I've changed my mind, please let me go back to being a part
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@MajorBrendan this takes place in Unova and second of all where are the choices to lead to 22 and 23 rather than that everything else is fine
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@Hey_PIKMIN you can take back 20 21 40 41 42 & 43
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@clasingla Can I go back to re-writing it? @MajorBrendan Is only using this to get him self a job at Pokemon and he isn't even expanding upon my story I'd rather see continue then see this slop
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Could I have the storyline on the other part of the branch like 5 to 10?