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Constructive criticism of Pokemon Journeys and OP

MajorBrendan Member Posts: 1,945 ✭✭✭✭
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I love Pokémon games and I love Pokemon anime and there are some of the episodes in Pokémon Journeys that I like, however I don't like a good deal of Pokémon Journeys and how they cram it all in one big mess. Especially Goh who's only interested in catching all the Pokémon especially mew which is getting rather tiresome and Chloe is not interesting at all.

I like the song " 1 2 3" but Opening 4 would be considered the last straw if they put in some of the tease into light in their opening. Especially where I noticed Greninja and Paul are in it. That part I felt would be too soon and fear it might degrade the quality for the future of the Pokémon anime. Which is why I always state that unless someone step in and make a better story, I fear that Pokémon Journeys will be too episodic to the point where A doesn’t connect to B. I would also consider that Pokémon Journeys would cross the line when it comes to the story's flow if they add Serena in it and place her in a random episode.

In all honesty, if Pokémon Journeys is going the direction it is heading right now (me in particular), I fear that the overall quality of the entire anime Franchise would end up dipping because of Goh, Chloe and Cerise Laboratory. Plus, someone need to put a villainous flag on project mew, Because something tells me that In addition for my constructive criticism when it comes to Pokémon Journeys Pick a region and stick to it and don't do any more random Pokémon world Globetrotting. I like it how the story take the situation one step at a time. An occasional episodic moment here and there as long as the story still flows. In fact, I have no qualms in writing a better story than Journeys myself.


  • clasingla
    clasingla Member Posts: 3,503 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Ash in gen 10 please and no more anime legendary catches you shouldn’t have people being able to catch those in journey’s it’s very disrespectful to all the lore about those pokemon that were previously brought up legendarys and mythicals used to be special in the anime but now sadly they are just letting them be caught like bugs and the obsured amount of shinies with no purpose before journeys all the shinys had a purpose in the story

  • clasingla
    clasingla Member Posts: 3,503 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    The only mythical Pokémon that I would be okay with ash catching is meloetta this mythical Pokemon was bonded with him so much and was a perfect pair

  • MajorBrendan
    MajorBrendan Member Posts: 1,945 ✭✭✭✭
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    @clasingla Ash won't return in Gen 10 but I plan to bring him in sometime after gen 10.