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New play mode suggestion for young beginners

I would like to suggest another play mode besides Ranked and Casual. One for young beginners.

I have a 7 year old daughter getting into pokemon tcg and so far loves playing with her V battle decks. I let her try PTCG Live and she keeps getting frustrated with the timer. She is trying to read the cards, figure out what they do, then pick out which one to play. By the time she looks through her cards and understands what she wants to do, the time is up and she loses her turn.

It would be nice to have a play mode without a timer so she can learn how to play other cards and decks without the pressure of a timer.

I downloaded the Alternate Play Handbook from the Rules and Resources page. It would be cool to incorporate some of these modes as well. Our other daughter, 5 years old, loves playing Poke Catch, Top Number Triumphs, Multi-Experience (Grow & Go) Level 1, and Basic Battle. These are all great alternatives for the little ones who are just learning their numbers and how to read.

Please like and comment to see if we can get some love and support from the developers.


  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    The timer is necessary when playing against random people. You'll have to find her friends to play with until she knows the game better and can read faster. You could also have her play against AI with the test deck function.

  • mattheha461458
    mattheha461458 Member Posts: 8
    First Comment

    Yea I agree with the timer for moving things along in the Ranked format. That is why I wanted to suggest a beginner area or mode. Maybe it has a longer timer or a prompt for you to say "yes I am still here and need more time".

    I didn't know about the test deck function. We will have to try that out. How many AI decks are there? Do they vary in difficulty?

    I guess what I am thinking is something similar to PTCGO's trainer challenge. AI with increasing difficulty and rewards. That way she can play the cards at her own pace.

    For our 5 year old, I think a mode where you can select from some of the alternate play modes would still be nice. Again, these can also be against AI so she can play at her own pace.

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    @mattheha461458 If you choose to test a deck (which you do from the deck editor), one of the starting decks will be chosen at random. Note that the AI is very dumb, and might be frustrating since it loves to gust-stall every time it has Boss in hand.