I just realized something about Pokemon Legends Z-A

In generation six Pokemon Omega Ruby and Pokemon Alpha Sapphire were released. Omega is the last letter of the Greek alphabet and Alpha is the first. In Pokemon Legends Z-A, Z is the last letter of the English alphabet and A is the first letter of the English alphabet. Do you think there will be a connection between the two games or is this just a coincidence?
They were both in the same Gen so at some level will be important
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It's hard to make Kalos without Hoenn references unless it's in the past, and even if it was, these regions have important bits of the other, at least in the Mega timeline (in ORAS for example, there's a flower the same as Eternal Floette's in Sootopolis that's implied to have been planted by AZ, and new Megas were introduced).
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It is possible, but we have very little information about the game at this point that would allow us to judge that.
To me and others, I thinking Z is an allusion to the implied but never actually released third version for XY. And obviously Zygarde.
Z-A, if we read it as "Z to A", implies starting at the end (point Z) and returning to the beginning (point A). Point Z would the current limit of the Pokémon franchise, which would be this game. Point A would be the beginning of XY, and the modern city where we first saw it.
So we start at the end point, set in the past, and build back up to the beginning. Z-A.
If Zygarde was involved in Kalos' history, which I would be inclined to believe it was, possibly even in the city's founding, then that being point Z makes even more sense.
I am sure the developers will explain the title in interviews as we approach the release next year.
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I'm sure further development will be announced once they get closer to locking in the release date for the game. Plus there's also the matter of a Nintendo switch 2 releasing next year.
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the mega of the hoenn starters might have something to do with it
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