Favorite Pokemon

My favorite Pokemon is definitely shiny Cinderace.
Some of my favorites include Nidoking, Porygon-z, Skeledirge, Tapu Bulu, Chesnaught, Hoopa Unbound, Kommo-o, Emboar, Ting-lu, Zygarde Complete, Cursola, Shedinja, Cradily, Torterra, Melmetal, Victreebel, Lanturn, Iron Bundle, Runerigus, Beeheeyem, Tyrantrum, Klinklang, Necrozma, Golurk, Drifblim, Glastrier, Electivire, Garganacl, Hydrapple, Armaldo, Crawdaunt, Yveltal, Archeops, Kyogre, Pecharunt, and Thundurus.
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Have to agree on @Michael629303 @Tacolaser and @Clarus_Magus and all you other guys: )
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@Anuni7k I do like Eevee and all of its Eeveelutions, Glameow, Pikachu, Scorbunny Line, Sprigatito Line, Popplio Line, Cyndaquil Line, Mudkip Line, Snivy Line and that's just the beginning.
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100% Leafeon, it's the perfect balance of cute and cool. (special mention to shiny umbreon for the same reasons)
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