Pokemon Legends Z-A announced officially

With Pokemon presents announcing Pokemon Legends Z-A, that really put lots of fans with predictions along with Leakers completely derailed in what's about to be announced. I would like to see how the game would turn out to be. Also, I would love to see the game releasing in the 2025 holiday season which gives the company more time to work out all of the bugs on day 1.
Plus a nice return of mega evolution as well as whether Kalos be 19th century or be in the future for another futuristic redevelopment.
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I know we’ve argued in the past but who is your starter trio prediction?
Mine is Snivy Chimchar and Popplio
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I won't get to the starter predictions. I'd rather wait until they're getting closer when it comes to announcements.
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Aside from Predictions, I might be Astonished if Turtwig, Scorbunny, and Popplio be in.
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Also, I'm more interested in the story to see if Kalos will be in the process of redevelop Lumiose city into a more futuristic city or the first redevelopment plan when Kalos be in the Industrial Era.
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I'd like to see Bulbasaur, Litten, and Totodile in the game.
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I'm very excited about this game, regarding Leakes, I never took it into consideration, I think Leakes is a form of fake news, but anyway, I'm really excited to see the story of Pokémon Legends Z-A, This still confirms that Pokémon Legends is a new series of Pokémon games, and I'm really excited, Pokémon Legends Arceus was incredible, now Z-A is going to be huge too, and I'm very excited about the return of Mega-Evolutions, will we have new ones? If so, I'm already excited
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@YagoFuecoco Best not rely on leaks. They're a menace and always ruin the surprise. I would love to see the major return of Mega-Evolutions too. I pray it be on a permanent note same with Z-Moves because we barely scratch the surface with both of them.
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I'm also curious how the characters would look like. Best not to rely on the ugly human character designs in Scarlet Violet.
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There's no way you actually called the designs in SV ugly. The uniforms and 3D, maybe, but the character designs were amazing whether you like it or not. Like, come on, some of them are way too cool, like Rika, or the professors, or team Star's leaders, and more.