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Match making

It seems match making is based on what's in your deck not how many matches you win. I took all my vs out to beat the V decks out there and now I no longer play against other people with Vs in their deck. Would be nice to know these things before spending in game currency on cards...

Anyone else see this issue as well?


  • Lambalazar
    Lambalazar Member Posts: 100 ✭✭✭
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    That’s 100% not a thing

  • DarthRoosevelt
    DarthRoosevelt Member Posts: 6
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    I feel like it is, I will play ten matches with a loaded V deck and only play people with other V decks, than play 10 matches without a v deck and play ten people with a rare v card in their deck...sooooooo explain this to me Lambalazar.

  • Lambalazar
    Lambalazar Member Posts: 100 ✭✭✭
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    If the game changed who you were against based on what deck you chose, there would be more people saying something about it than you.

    I’ve played the game with plenty of decks, played against every deck under the sun no matter what I’m running.

    The game’s not out to get you 😂

  • Mister-Burkes
    Mister-Burkes Member Posts: 114 ✭✭
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    Just had a 1500+ rated player intentionally cause a game freeze when he was about to lose, think I'm done for the night.

  • DarthRoosevelt
    DarthRoosevelt Member Posts: 6
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    At no point did I mention the game was "out to get me" just a curious thing I happen to notice. Which made me wonder if the match making was built more to gear decks together in strength rather than ranking because the match making over rank is all over the place .

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,871 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    That's definitely not the case. Maybe you just dropped so low in rank that all you get are newbies trying to be creative.