Hello, I need some suggestions to improve my snorlax deck.

So I just recently started playing the game and need some suggestions regarding improving this deck and some tips regarding what should I add for specific matchups. Like which matchups are good or bad?
Pokémon: 5
1 Mimikyu PAF 37
1 Pidgeot V LOR 137
1 Radiant Tsareena SIT 16
4 Snorlax PGO 55
1 Rotom V LOR 58
Trainer: 24
4 Counter Catcher CIN 91 PH
2 Switch Cart ASR 154
1 Hisuian Heavy Ball ASR 146
1 Echoing Horn CRE 136
1 Luxurious Cape PAR 166
1 Battle VIP Pass FST 225
2 Erika's Invitation MEW 160 PH
3 Iono PAL 185
1 Giacomo PAL 182
1 Peonia CRE 149
1 Super Rod PAL 188
1 Cyllene ASR 138
3 Miss Fortune Sisters LOR 164
4 Pokégear 3.0 SVI 186
2 Pal Pad SVI 182
4 Temple of Sinnoh ASR 155
3 Penny SVI 183
1 Forest Seal Stone SIT 156
4 Nest Ball SVI 181
1 Team Yell's Cheer BRS 149
3 Bravery Charm PAL 173
2 Boss's Orders PAL 172
4 Arven SVI 166
2 Sidney FST 241 PH
Energy: 0
Total Cards: 60
Welcome to the game, hope you enjoy it! One thing worth noting is that Snorlax Stall, by its nature, is outrageously matchup-dependent. In other card games, you'd call it "anti-meta." Its good matchups are overwhelmingly good, its bad matchups are overwhelmingly bad, and you pick the deck if you think (or hope) you'll run into its good matchups.
The list you posted seems like an extremely standard tournament list with not much room for adjustment. If I can make any suggestions, it may be to remove the Radiant Tsareena (its healing is usually irrelevant and it gives the opponent a target for Boss's Orders) and one copy of Sidney (one is usually enough). What to add in return... personally I like +1 Crabominable V and +1 Basic Water Energy to help win against other Snorlax decks, but if you don't expect to play the mirror match then +1 Penny and +1 Peonia could be sensible.
Generally, Snorlax Stall performs well against decks that don't run very many switching cards. Most notably, it enjoys a good matchup vs. Charizard ex (if they don't play Minior). It also can get some easy wins against aggressive decks that use cards like Squawkabilly ex or Lumineon V, since those Pokemon often don't do anything useful in the Active Spot. Examples of such decks are Lugia VSTAR and Roaring Moon ex. Even in a bad matchup, if your opponent's opening hand only contains a Manaphy or Lumineon V and they're forced to play it into the Active Spot, you're usually very likely to win that game.
As you can imagine, though, the deck struggles against opponents who run a lot of switching cards. Chein-Pao ex decks often run multiple cards like Cancelling Cologne, Cross Switcher, and Escape Rope that make the Snorlax player's life difficult. Lost Box is another bad matchup, as it runs multiple copies of switching cards like Switch Cart. Especially noteworthy is Lost Box's use of 4 Jet Energy, which can only be countered by Temple of Sinnoh + Sidney (and post-rotation the deck will lose Sidney!) Snorlax can still win these matchups sometimes, but it usually requires a lot of luck.
The worst matchups for Snorlax are decks that run Skwovet+Bibarel. This combination of Pokemon allows the opponent to shuffle their hand back into their deck every turn, making it impossible to deck them out without Knocking Out the Skwovet. (The Snorlax player could theoretically add ways to KO the Skwovet into their deck, but actually pulling off the KO is backbreakingly difficult so I wouldn't recommend it.) Fortunately, Skwovet isn't too common at the moment. Right now, the most notable deck that runs Skwovet is ArcTina (Arceus V + Giratina V).
I've seen some newer Snorlax decklists that feature Pidgeot ex alongside various other changes, but I haven't found that those adjustments shake up the matchup dynamics substantially.