Can someone help me improve my deck

I keep losing with it
Pokémon (17)
slakoth pal (2)
vigoroth pal (2)
slaking pal (2)
lumineon v brs (1)
luvdisc pal (2)
chien-pao ex pal (2)
pelipper pal (1)
wingull pal (1)
Quaxly pal (2)
quaxwell pal (1)
quaquavel ex pal (1)
trainer (19)
superior energy retrieval (3)
super rod (1)
switch (2)
rare candy (2)
Roxanne (1)
jubilife village (1)
practice studio (1)
energy search (3)
clavell (1)
artazon (1)
calamitous snowy mountain (1)
arezu (2)
energy (24)
luminous energy (2)
theraputic energy (1)
basic water energy (21)
same thing with trainer cards, having just 1/2 of something means it’s unlikely to come when you need it. 19 trainer cards but 12 different ones is too varied, try to stack 3/4 of a trainer card that way you increase the odds of actually seeing that card during a game.
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too much variety in cards 17 pokemon 6 different mon/evo lines is a lot focus on 1 mon with 4of each evo, that way if one gets KO’d it doesn’t ruin your deck strategy.
same thing with trainer cards, having just 1/2 of something means it’s unlikely to come when you need it. 19 trainer cards but 12 different ones is too varied, try to stack 3/4 of a trainer card that way you increase the odds of actually seeing that card during a game.
Also 24 energy cards with 3 energy search and superior energy recovery is too much. 6 of the 19 trainers are energy related when you have 24 energy cards is overkill. In a single game you’ll probably only use 12-15 energy max so anything over 15-18 is too much.
id say a good mix of cards is 16-20 pokemon, w/ 3or4 different mons/evo lines,
24-28 trainer cards,
12-18 energy. 12 is good if you have energy search and retrieval trainer cards and you have 1 type of pokemon. 18 is probably better for dual type decks.
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too much variety in cards 17 pokemon 6 different mon/evo lines is a lot focus on 1 mon with 4of each evo, that way if one gets KO’d it doesn’t ruin your deck strategy.
same thing with trainer cards, having just 1/2 of something means it’s unlikely to come when you need it. 19 trainer cards but 12 different ones is too varied, try to stack 3/4 of a trainer card that way you increase the odds of actually seeing that card during a game.
Also 24 energy cards with 3 energy search and superior energy recovery is too much. 6 of the 19 trainers are energy related when you have 24 energy cards is overkill. In a single game you’ll probably only use 12-15 energy max so anything over 15-18 is too much.
id say a good mix of cards is 16-20 pokemon, w/ 3or4 different mons/evo lines,
24-28 trainer cards,
12-18 energy. 12 is good if you have energy search and retrieval trainer cards and you have 1 type of pokemon. 18 is probably better for dual type decks.