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Can anyone make any improvements to this Mimikyu deck?

Brassendaer Member Posts: 9
First Comment Photogenic

I just wanted to make a deck that can counter some (not all) powerful Ex/V decks running around.

The Gengar line is there to give free retreat to all, and Radiant Tsareena can give heals. On occasions, do not put down Gastlys/Haunters/Gengars due to Boss's orders. Jirachi is just there for the ability. Mimikyu is clearly there to shut down many attackers.

The general idea is that the deck shuts down some decks, but obviously struggles in other MUs. (For example Roaring Moon or budget decks that do not run Ex/V cards)

Here is the deck:

Pokémon: 6

3 Gengar PAF 57 PH

1 Radiant Tsareena SIT 16

1 Jirachi PAR 126

4 Gastly PAF 55 PH

4 Mimikyu PAF 37 PH

2 Haunter PAF 56 PH

Trainer: 15

3 Rare Candy PAF 89

2 Jacq SVI 175 PH

2 Iono PAF 80 PH

3 Nest Ball PAF 84 PH

3 Arven SVI 166 PH

3 Ultra Ball PAF 91 PH

1 Professor's Research PAF 88 PH

1 Klara CRE 145

3 Luxurious Cape PAR 166 PH

2 Energy Search SVI 172 PH

2 Collapsed Stadium LOR 215

3 Nemona PAF 229

1 Pal Pad SVI 182 PH

3 Boss's Orders PAL 172

1 Professor's Research PAF 87 PH

Energy: 2

6 Basic {D} Energy SVE 7

6 Basic {P} Energy SVE 5

Total Cards: 60

Thanks for having a look at my deck. I know the deck is not optimal, but it is really fun when it actually works.

Best Answers

  • ProfessorOkeefe
    ProfessorOkeefe Member Posts: 16
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    #2 Answer ✓

    I'd consider 1-2 Gengar PAF 57.

  • ProfessorOkeefe
    ProfessorOkeefe Member Posts: 16
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    #3 Answer ✓

    As well, you should be praying for the card to arrive n your hand rather than attempt to guarantee it. The Radiant Tsareena should perhaps be reconsidered or at least buffed with a potion to 4 potions. Jirachi is far from the card I would choose next. Now, granted, it's my personal opinion.

  • pikayou
    pikayou Member Posts: 78 ✭✭✭
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    #4 Answer ✓

    I really like the idea of Luxurious Cape on a mon that forces your opponent to use weaker attacks to do any damage, but I'm not sure if Mimikyu is the right choice. Even with the Cape on and healing 20 from Tsareena you're still getting 2HKO'd by common single prize Pokemon like Cramorant and Zapdos - you could try and get around this by using Penny to heal but Giratina V can still OHKO you with its Shred attack which results in an unfavorable prize trade for you because of Mimikyu's low damage output (it would also definitely be a good idea to include Manaphy BRS here too so that Radiant Greninja can't pick off your benched mons as easily).

    Have you considered trying Aegislash from Paradox Rift? I know being a Stage 2 makes it slower to get set up but once you do you don't have to worry about anything being able to easily KO you through Cape with 250 HP (I think baby Gardevoir is the only relevant threat right now?) and because its an evolved Steel type you benefit from Crystal Cave and Cheryl. You also have more offensive pressure with an attack that does 120 damage and hits weakness on Chien-Pao ex.

    Other than that, I don't see what use Gengar provides? Mimikyu only has a retreat cost of 1, it's not hard to move around without it. Nemona and Jacq are also bad, you could cut them for a 4-4 of Professor's Research and Iono. Town Store could help you get your Capes out without having to use Arven, and Super Rod is prolly better than Klara here.



  • AndTom
    AndTom Member Posts: 74 ✭✭
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    Probably try swapping the professors research for a latios card.

  • OlderAngel11
    OlderAngel11 Member Posts: 1,815 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    @AndTom Latios? Like the one from Fusion Strike? Why? I get the idea but they're not playing the correct energy for that attack.

  • AndTom
    AndTom Member Posts: 74 ✭✭
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    I meant the one from paradox rift

  • Brassendaer
    Brassendaer Member Posts: 9
    First Comment Photogenic

    Interesting choice..!

  • Brassendaer
    Brassendaer Member Posts: 9
    First Comment Photogenic

    Thanks for your opinions, I will try to make some changes then!

  • Brassendaer
    Brassendaer Member Posts: 9
    First Comment Photogenic

    Wow, thanks for amazing insight, pikayou! I agree, Aegislash from Paradox Rift sounds like a great idea! (much better than Gengar in such a deck) I will keep the Luxurious capes for sure as it is one of my favorite tools in this deck. I also probably agree on removing the Nemonas in favour of more Professor's Research/Ionos. Town Store is a good card, agreed.

    Lots of great advice here.

  • Starfoxxx
    Starfoxxx Member Posts: 1
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    Toedscruel Ex is the counter for roaring Moon (Although be ready for Path to the Peak).

    The counter that's the toughest is dealing with shred from Mew VMax. Don't have a good answer there except going after their energies.