Favorite Psychic Type

What is your favorite psychic type Pokemon? I really like Calyrex.
Mine are Beheeyem, Musharna, Hoopa, Solgaleo, Lunala, and Necrozma.
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Psychic is probably my favourite type besides dragon, so it's hard to choose.
I know it is the obvious answer, but I still love Mewtwo. Between its appearance at the end of the original games and in the first movie, it made quite an impression.
I also like the Abra line. I tend to think of them as primarily water Pokémon, but I guess the Staryu and Slowpoke lines count, too.
In gen 2 I loved Lugia. I bought Silver instead of Gold specifically because Lugia was on the box. Of course, this was before legendaries were version exclusive and you could actually catch both in game, but primary schooler me didn't know that.
From gen 3, for similar reasons to Mewtwo, I liked Deoxys. I also liked the Ralts line. It seems very popular online, but I think those people like it for... other reasons.
Gen 6 I liked Espurr, mostly for its 1000 yard stare and goofy appearance, but I didn't care for its evolutions.
I always loved Ponyta and Rapidash from gen 1, so when it got fabulous psychic forms in gen 8, I fell in love immediately.
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I really like the Slower lines, but I actually like the Galarian forms more than the gen 1 forms, which I know is surprising but how I see it. I also like the Gardevoir line, but only cause I love playing it in the TCG.
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Delphox is the best Pokémon of all time, the vibe and design theme it has are just so cool.
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This is one of the hardest questions someone has ever asked me. I would say Gallade or Alakazam.
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@UnovanZorua @AndTom Both of those are also some of my favorites.
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mew :P
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*I meant to say Slowbro. In my earlier post. Again mods, please let us edit posts.
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Orbeetle and Chimecho.