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Switching and healing

I played some psychic deck earlier, I forget what it was called, but every time I hit it, on my opponents turn, it kept fully healing... It had no ability to heal and my opponent didn't use any cards to heal either... But I thought, maybe a bug, and restarted the app.

I just played Iron Valiant EX deck, it has an ability that puts 2 damage counters when switched from bench to the active... But every time it was in the active spot, my opponent just switched it out, no item or stadium or abilities, I took a screenshot but I can't upload here, of the battle, I couldn't see how he did it, I was kind of hoping someone could see it... So they were basically placing 40 damage counters on me every turn and I couldn't figure out how lol...

I the bench they had a Xatu that has a draw 2 cards if you move a psychic energy to your bench from your hand, ability, or something... 2 Mimikyu with the prevent damage from V and EX cards... And a Pidgey... So no abilities to switch out... The last Item / Supporter they used was a Arven... No stadium that reduces retreat cost, it was Lake Acuity... No energy removed to retreat either and the 1 Iron Valiant EX had 1 energy attached when it requires 2, to retreat... I don't get it lol, glitch maybe? Bug? Desync?


  • OlderAngel11
    OlderAngel11 Member Posts: 1,804 ✭✭✭✭✭
    500 Agrees 1000 Comments 250 Likes 25 Answers

    This sounds really weird. It sounds like a bug.

  • pikayou
    pikayou Member Posts: 78 ✭✭✭
    25 Agrees 25 Likes 5 Answers 10 Comments

    Did Iron Valiant have a tool attached to it? If it had Future Booster Energy Capsule it would have no retreat cost, allowing it to switch. Do you remember anything about the first deck you went against? They might have been using something like Cresselia's Moonglow Reverse to heal.

  • Nickalooose1
    Nickalooose1 Member Posts: 43
    10 Comments 5 Likes 5 Agrees Name Dropper

    Ah thank you, 1 did have a Future Booster attached, that clears that up lol, I got a screenshot and just checked that.

    I don't remember the first one though, I just closed the game during it, but it definitely wasn't Cresselia, I was doing 160 damage and every time it was my opponents turn, it lost all damage counters... At first I thought they were scooping it up and putting it back down, but it never lost it's energy cards... Wish I got a screenshot of that though, not that it would help you, but at least I could explain better. Sorry