What are your favorite Pokémon games?

My favorite Pokémon games are, PokePark 2: Wonders Beyond, Pokémon Scarlet/Violet, Pokémon Legend Arceus, Pokémon Heartgold/Soulsilver, Pokémon Black 2/White 2, Pokémon Unite, Pokémon Sun/Moon and Pokémon Red/Blue/Yellow
Favorite is Pokemon Sun
Least Favorite is Pokemon Ultra Sun
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So, you basically like all of them:)
My favorite ones are Red and Blue because those are glitch paradise sandboxes with endless possibilities, in which most of my favorite pokemon like Mewtwo, Jynx, Gengar and Alakazam are strong.
Second place is split between HGSS, GSC and SV.
GSC because they connect with Gen 1, I can use 8F in Red to transfer perfect DV pokemon to Gen 2, and also I think GSC are graphically the most beautiful games in the series. I love the colors, I love the traditional Johto vibe.
HGSS is almost the same, except the music is a little bit more diverse, following pokemon, but the original game mechanic is ruined, and it no longer connects with Gen 1, so I have to breed perfect IV pokemon, which takes a while. And I can't trade on DS, so no Scizor for me:(
SV is great because open world and a lot of crazy strong new pokemon. Arven is a cool guy.
Third place is Sword and Shield. First, I love how Galar is a comfy little home where everyone is a relative to someone. Second, Galar has the most champion Champion to ever Champion, Leon trully is the greatest character in all of the Pokémon. He's my hero, my inspiration! Third, Chairman Rose's motivation actually makes sense, and it happen in real world politics all the time. Fourth, character customisation are so far the best in all the pokemon. And, finally, curry is freaking awesome!
...oh, yeah, and Dynamax is the best gimmick.
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All of gen 5 was great. Easily the peak of the series in my opinion. Heart Gold and Soul Silver were spectacular remakes the quality of which I doubt we will ever see again.
Gens 1 and 2 will always hold a special place in my heart, and I can still enjoy a playthrough of any of them to this day. But the series was better for successive generations of improvements.
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Warning, I wrote this and realised the location of everything is kinda random, so it might be confusing to read. I am not willing to order all of this though, sorry. Also sorry for some negativity and random analyses of why some games weren't enjoyable to me and what I think made other games better
A tie between all the mainline gen 5 to 7 games except LGPE. They have a really cool feeling when you play them. They feel comfy. HGSS is also cool, second place to the gens I mentioned, it has lots of fun things like the Pokéathlon and second region that are actually doable things in the post game, and it's really fun. The Johto region is really nice too, in appearance, lore, and actual gameplay. It felt full of things to see and do, which GameFreak couldn't do in SV. I wish I could've actually broke into people's homes again, it made the previous regions feel like actual people lived there. I think the speech bubbles appearing above an NPC automatically contributed to the empty feeling of the region- as you could talk to random people walking in SM and USUM, and the small "Alola"s or mentions of your Trial Challenge amulet made it feel like these were characters that exist. The fact that they could actually interact with you made the world feel real. It's sad that SV doesn't let you interact with anyone, as those interactions made the games feel nicer to play and more real.
I dislike DPPt though, they felt a bit slow and didn't have much to do besides battling and the Pokédex other than contests, and I don't think I'll ever actually like gen 4 contests. The dance section is painful and hard. Also who thought locking the post game behind seeing every Pokémon was a good idea.
SwSh is probably third, I liked how it looked apart from the lack of outlines, and as long as you don't read the text (the story and characters were not good this time), it's fun. Also avoid Exp. Candies or going to the DLC before finishing the game, otherwise it won't be fun but actually annoying.
Tied with Emerald which is only lower down because I hate the insane amount of grinding, otherwise it's the perfect Pokémon game and really fun to play (but seriously I have played games from every region and generation after three, I have experienced the gens where you need to grind a lot, but I tried Emerald recently and it is on a different level when it comes to grinding. Like at least Gen 5 had Audino, and I don't remember gen 4 being this hard. I can't even imagine what Ruby and Sapphire are like since the legendary there is not level 70 and easily defeats the league). It just feels nice, and the region is designed well except for that one part between Fortree and Mauville that I will never visit more than once in any version of Hoenn. But the rest feels comfy to be in. If it didn't have so much grinding it would easily be first or second place because this game feels so nice to play that the other stuff doesn't matter.
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