Should Conquest get a sequel or a reissue (or both? Or Dynasty?)

Pokemon Conquest was a super fun tactics game based on the Nobunaga's Ambition series with many of the same historical figures as characters. It was a little limited, a little "baby's first srpg", but it was charming, had probably the best character designs in the series, and really good music.
I know there's a desire for a sequel, but the original didn't pull the numbers to merit one, and that's disappointing. Maybe if they reissued it people would be interested. Alternately, a "Pokemon Dynasty" using the Dynasty Warriors cast would be fun.
What do you think?
I didn't like that game much, I found the fourth world too hard and every time I tried the stage I died, no matter what I did. I got so angry I just dropped the game.
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It was somewhere in that desert place. Arcanine was the boss, and my pokemon just weren't reviving fast enough. I gave them all stones to boost them, but they still just got mobbed by Growlithes and melted within two seconds.
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Oh wait, what game is Conquest? I'm talking about Pokemon Quest.
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Ah, got it. Never played Conquest, but I hated Quest.
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I love Pokémon Conquest, a new remake version would be amazing, to include Pokémon that weren't in the game previously and also include Pokémon from gen 6,7,8 and 9, a new version of Pokémon Conquest would be really cool, I've played it so much recently, Pokémon Conquest is an incredible game indeed
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It is unfortunate Pokémon Conquest only got the one game. It would be great if they made a remake or a sequel. Especially if they refine the mechanics further.