Favourite and least favourite pokemons

My favourite: Electrode
My least favourite:Lucario
My favorite: Poochyena
My least favorite: Solosis
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My favorite Pokemon is Dewott (although Furfrou and Cryogonal have been close seconds).
My least favorite is Grafaiai.
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OK because the list of my favorite pokemon is long I'll do my least favorite.
Pikachu and Mew. Yes, I am aware that my least favorites are the most popular. That is the reason that I dislike them. There quite boring and lame compered to other pokemon.
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Favourite: Delphox
Hated: Charizard
I don't hate it but I see it too much can we put the spotlight on Meganium or another forgotten starter instead of the secondary mascot? Why does this thing have more megas than its friends (Mewtwo also got two megas but it isn't part of a trio where it overshadowed the others and it's a Legendary)? And got into SwSh with a Giga form and a champion's signature Pokémon? Also the only fully evolved Kanto starter Ash has?! Also the first 7 star raid which means it was the first Kanto starter to get into SV too?!?! Game Freak should give Venusaur or Blastoise or Meganium or Torterra or anything else some of that attention!
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@UnovanZorua The Pokemon company knows that the people love Charizard and are trying to feed that love, which then turns into cash for them. I agree though that it's unfair it got a space in sword and shield, when the others were only in the DLC. Makes me so mad...😡
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My favorite: Cinderace
Least Favourite: Dracovish
Dracovish just looks so weird and creepy, while Cinderace on the other hand is totally awesome.
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I gotta agree with you on the least favorite part. I don't like Cinderace, though.
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My favorite Pokemon is Vaporeon
My least favorite Pokemon is to be decided.