Force-Discard Strategy?

I recently lost by running out of cards; it happened out of nowhere and I was crushing them. All I remember is Wugtrio, Archeops and Whiscash, and some reversal energy. Anyways I immediately set out to build a similar deck but haven’t seemed to get the recipe right yet.
Pokemon - 22
Whiscash OBF 4
Barboach OBF 4
Cleffa OBF 2
Claydol SIT 4
Baltoy OBF 4
Stonjourner LOR 2
Radiant Greninja ASR 1
Mawile LOR 1
Trainers -
Battle VIP Pass FST 4
Ultra Ball BRS 4
Trekking Shoes CRZ 4
Level Ball BST 4
Crushing Hammer SVI 4
Earthen Vessel PAR 3
Super Rod PAL 2
Counter Catcher PAR 2
Cycling Road MEW 3
Energies - 16
Fighting Energy 12
Reversal Energy 4
This is not a complete list yet, but I would love to see something like this work, with the Claydol from Silver Tempest to put energies on Whiscash so that it can mill tons of cards every turn. Only problem is? No supporters allowed. That makes it kinda hard to play consistently with.
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I'm am very familiar with this strategy. And beware, I believe the worst case could be a combo of 2 Machamps. His skill involves you loosing 2 from your deck along with taking 80hp. (Machop takes 1 from you, and no damage)
It will take items and support to rearrange to save you, but then he's not going anywhere.
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Those are called 'mill decks', and they're a lot of fun. We don't really have any consistent milling cards in Standard at the moment though, your best bet would probably be to try something with the Durant from Battle Styles which discards cards up to the amount of Durant you have in play.
In Live!Expanded I've been having a lot of fun with this Wugtrio list though:
2 Victini GRI 10
2 Oranguru SMALT 26
4 Wugtrio SVI 57
4 Wiglett SVI 56
1 Jirachi PAR 126
Trainer: 13
2 Hisuian Heavy Ball ASR 146
3 Air Balloon SSH 156
4 Cynthia UPR 119
4 Rescue Carrier EVS 154
2 Counter Catcher CIN 91
1 Field Blower GRI 125
4 Professor's Research SVI 189
2 Artazon PAL 171
1 Path to the Peak CRE 148
4 Ultra Ball CRZ 146
4 Level Ball NXD 89
4 Cursed Shovel RCL 157
3 Energy Loto GRI 122
Energy: 2
4 Reversal Energy PAL 192
4 Triple Acceleration Energy UNB 190
Total Cards: 60
Victini allows you to reflip your coins for Wugtrio's attack, Triple Acceleration Energy means you can use Wuggy much more consistently and in the early game, and Cursed Shovel provides more discard and puts pressure on your opponent to leave Wugtrio alive. You could probably run a mix of Cynthia and Iono/Marnie, but I always seem to get unlucky when I do and end up letting my opponent put a bunch of cards back into their deck.
Bear in mind that the points you receive towards the ladder and battle pass at the end of a game in Live take into account the amount of KOs you take though, so using a mill deck with get you less points than an deck that will be knocking out the opponent's Pokemon.
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Wow, that's a good card. 👍