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Attention Trainers!

We are aware of an issue preventing some players from starting a match properly in TCG Live. We are actively investigating this issue and will update you soon.

Thank you for your patience.

My Unite Experience


So, my Unite username is GetGudBum (Used to be uBIGMaddhuh_). I've been seeing a lot of cheaters leveling up extremely fast in early game, dealing half a bar of damage, enemies bypassing death, Snorlax dealing damage like a Mewtwo or Zacian, etc. The list goes on. The worst experience I have is when I'm using the ping wheel for help, no teammates come to help (as usual) and I end up getting jumped / attacked by 2-3 enemies at once. I'm sure most of you can agree with me and say this game is beyond frustrating! I almost smashed my Switch yesterday, because of how idiotic my teammates are. This game's matchmaking is just as bad at Apex Legends on console. It rewards you with terrible players when you're good at the game, PLUS, it forces you to play against 3-5 stack teams every time!

I'm an aggressive attacker main. I'm looking for players who are about that action and are usually on majority of the day. ADD ME in game, and let's try to enjoy the game and rank up together! I've already dumped about $300 in this game, so, we minus well make the best of it.
